Long Island Residents: Cell Towers - Act Like Other Villages
News Long Island
December 5, 2007
In the wake of one village’s decision to protect its residents from the threat of cancer caused by cell towers, residents of the Village of Bayville want to know why their government insists on keeping them under this grave threat.
On November 13, the Board of the Village of Babylon rejected a proposal to install cell towers in Lewis Park because children play in the park and because the park is close to residents. Members of
Bayville Residents Against Cell Towers (BRACT) are wondering why their Village Board does not see what the Babylon Village Board sees, that they are exposing their residents, especially the children in the school across the street, to serious health risks.
On April 3, Mayor Victoria Siegel and the Board of Trustees of Bayville, in contravention of the deed granting the site to the people of the village for non commercial uses, neglected their duty to protect the people of Bayville and voted, without the consent of the people, to allow Motorola, Inc. to place two microwave dishes and six cell phone antennas on the water tower, which stands across the street from Bayville Primary School and currently houses other antennas.
This vote shocked the residents because Radiofrequency Radiation (RF R), which is produced by cell phone antennas, has been linked by researchers to various cancers, motor neurone disease, massive spinal tumor, electro sensitivity, skin rashes, sleep deprivation, headaches, dizziness, adverse effects to the human fetus, and learning disabilities.
According to Dr. Robert O. Becker, former professor of Medicine at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, who has twice been nominated for the Nobel Prize, “I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields [like those emitted by cell phone towers]. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than warming and the increase in chemical elements in the environment.”
According to Jo-Tina DiGennaro, a member of BRACT, “After researching the scientific data, we realized that our situation is intolerable. We have a water tower, the very water we drink, housing 52 cell phone antennas 50 feet across from our elementary school children and in very close proximity to our residents. Our mayor and trustees cast off our concerns without representing us.”
DiGennaro believes that the argument that the new antennas planned for installation will improve police communication does not suffice. “We are not against police safety, but the placement of these antennas on this site is endangering the safety of our children,” she said.
What makes the Village Board’s vote even more heartbreaking is the fact that in the last few years, four Bayville Primary School children have been diagnosed with leukemia or brain tumors; three of the children have since died. In addition, six teachers and several school aids have been diagnosed with serious cancer. Four of the adults have subsequently died. It is, therefore, incomprehensible that the supposed stewards of Bayville would allow even more RF R emitting equipment so close to the children.
Since Mayor Victoria Siegel and the Board of Trustees have refused to do their job, residents of Bayville are having to fight for their own survival, forming BRACT, with the mission of ensuring that the newly approved RF R producing equipment never make it to the top of the water tower and ensuring that the equipment which is currently up there comes down and moves to a location that is at a safer distance from village residents, especially the school children.
With the help of The Coalition of Landlords, Homeowners & Merchants, Inc., the residents’ first step was to petition the New York State Supreme Court to order a reversal of the Village Board’s vote. They are awaiting the court’s response. The residents have also filed a Notice of Claim against the village and the Village Board.
The Coalition and BRACT will hold a press conference at the proposed site of the new cell towers, 34 Godfrey Avenue, Bayville, NY on Thursday, December 6 at 3:30 p.m. to ask why the Village of Bayville refuses to follow the good judgment of other municipalities and act in accordance with its duty toward the residents of Bayville instead of the interests of Motorola.
Bayville Residents Against Cell Towers was organized to fight against the proliferation of cellular equipment near the Bayville Primary School and residents of the village.
The Coalition of Landlords, Homeowners and Merchants, Inc. is the premier civil and property rights organization on Long Island. It is dedicated to fighting for the preservation of constitutional principles.
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