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Comments: New Pants With Cell Phone Radiation Shielding
Journalist: John H. Farr
September 12, 2002

We are not making this up, as the saying goes. According to ZDNet UK, Levi Strauss is about to market "Dockers S-Fit" pants that feature a cell-phone pocket with radiation shielding. Soon guys will be able to carry their phones and protect their -- um, well, let's just say future children will thank them.

The shielding will only extend to the inside of the pocket, so as to not interfere with cell phone reception, and is reported to consist of a mysterious substance called "MDF." However, as near as we can determine from the article, the pants will not be available in the U.S., but only in Europe. Is this a subtle form of commercially-directed genetic engineering?

UPDATE: 1:34 p.m. MDT -- One of the ZDNet Talkback posts to the article we've referenced reveals the reason why the Levi spokesperson quoted in the article refused to elaborate on "MDF":

" MDF is manufactured from agricultural waste and is used as a wood substitute. Fiberboard."

It stands for "medium density fiber," we're disappointed to note, but then lead foil might not make it through the washing machine as well as recycled agricultural waste. This reduces radiation? Whatever would the world do without marketing experts.

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