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During February, 2000, the FDA said "There is currently an insufficient scientific basis for concluding wireless communication technologies are safe, or that they pose a risk to millions of users." But a 1993 internal FDA memo published by Microwave News in February, 2003 indicated otherwise.

The BioInitiative Working Group published a report on December 31, 2012 stating "There is now much more evidence of risks to health affecting billions of people worldwide. The status quo is not acceptable in light of the evidence for harm." The report was prepared by 29 independent scientists from 10 countries, holding medical degrees, PhDs, and MsC, MA or MPH, and referenced the results of 1,800 studies.  It concluded new regulatory limits are required to ensure public safety and suggested a 0.1 μW/cm2 SAR limit be used as a replacement of the current standard.

SAR is the current measurement used by government regulatory agencies to determine compliance with theoretical and estimated non-ionizing radiation hazard standards, and its use has never been proven valid or safe. They were based solely upon theoretical safe thermal considerations (heat) created by engineers, rather than biologists and other scientists familiar with the human body. Additionally, there is irrefutable evidence that cellular phone radiation affects biological mechanisms in the body far below what can be measured at the thermal level. It is for these reason that all AegisGuard™ Radiation Shields are tested at actual radiation levels to determine their radiation frequency shielding effectiveness.

The first report confirming phone radiation affects the body both at and below the thermal level was published in the United Kingdom during January, 1999. Researchers at the University Complutense in Madrid, Spain, released the results of their study in December, 2000, stating they "believe current methods of calculating mobile emissions (SAR) substantially underestimate their effects on human tissue." In February, 2001, the University of Nottingham in Great Britain confirmed there are effects upon living creatures that "can't be explained by heating."

During December, 2000, the British government distributed leaflets throughout the United Kingdom addressing the health risks of mobile phone radiation and reversed their health approval recommendation advising consumers to use hands-free headsets after a number of investigations revealed they channeled radiation into the head and could represent a greater health risk than holding a phone against your head. The headset recommendation reversal occurred after the British government commissioned SAR tests showing headsets reduce radiation and provided credence to the debate over SAR standards and test procedures being flawed.

Many scientists believe SAR standards should not be used because the simulated test procedures cannot measure the actual effects of radiation upon the body below the thermal level. Simulations are required because probes would literally have to be inserted into the head of a person while they are using a phone to derive accurate SAR results.

In a white paper submitted to the US government in June, 1999, Dr. Roger N. Clark stated "Measuring radiation emissions in the laboratory is not easy because all materials emit energy unless cooled to very low temperatures. Trying to measure thermal emissions at room temperatures would be like trying to take a picture using a camera with transparent walls and light bulbs turned on inside the camera."

The use of SAR thermal measurements and test procedures are being debated worldwide because they are based solely upon theoretical and unsubstantiated levels of radiation that can be absorbed by the body without harm. It is evident upon the Health Risks attributed to cell phone radiation that SAR testing should not be used as the criteria for wireless product safety because none of the health effects are thermally induced.

The following table presents SAR limits used in the United States and the FDA output power safety standards for microwave ovens as a comparison.


µW: 1 microwatt = 1/1,000,000 watt
mW: 1 milliwatt = 1/1,000 watt
kg: 1 kilogram = 2.20 pounds
FDA 21 CFR § 1030.10 - U.S. Microwave Oven Standards
5 mW power density limit/cm2 at  5 cm (1.97 in.) or more from the external surface of the oven. Warning labels required.
Mobile And Cellular Phone Standards SAR Limit
IEEE standard for general public whole body SAR (1/6 of an hour). 200 mW/kg
FCC (IEEE) SAR limit for 1 gram (.032 ounces) of head tissue (phone held to ear). 1,600 mW/kg
The BioInitiative Working Group December 31, 2012 Report stated "There is now much more evidence of risks to health affecting billions of people worldwide. The status quo is not acceptable in light of the evidence for harm." The report summarized the results of 1,800 studies and recommended new regulatory limits of 0.1 μW/cm2.


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