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Aegis products are sold by authorized dealers (Local Dealers), or can be purchased securely through this web site. All products include a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
L (Life) Series Radiation Shields Each AegisGuard™ L Series RF and EMF product provides up to 99.998% shielding protection from high and low RF frequencies between 5 Hz. to 30 GHz., 120 GHz., 360 GHz., or 1.1 THz. at power levels from 1 milliwatt (0.001 Watt) to 25 Watts measured at the point of contact, and the fields they carry. The shielding effectiveness exceeds the requirements specified by MIL-STD-285, IEEE 299 and Human RF exposure limits as set forth in FCC OET Bulletin 65, and there has never been an allergic or skin reaction reported by any user. |
AegisGuard™ Wired & Air Tube Headset Radiation Shield AegisGuard™ Wired & Air Tube Headset Shields provide 98% shielding effectiveness at frequencies up to 2.6 GHz. emitted by wired and air tube headsets. |
AegisGuard™ XP Radiation Shields AegisGuard™ XP was initially developed to support frequencies up to 45 GHz. at power levels up to 10 Watts for specialized military and commercial applications. It was also used by electrosensitive individuals, but they now use AegisGuard™ LL which is less expensive and provides higher frequency and power level protection.
Laser Pointers Laser Pointers have exceptionally durable finishes and multiple to models to choose from. Excluding the Speaker Series, all other models withstand the same daily use, and abuse, as ballpoint pens, even when repeatedly dropped.
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