The World Health Organization (WHO) / International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) issued a press release on May 31, 2011 advising cellular phone radiation may cause cancer, reversing their earlier position assuring consumers no adverse health effects were established. WHO now includes mobile phone use in the same carcinogenic hazard category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform. Since 2006, AegisGuard™ L (Life) Series Radiation Shields have been repeatedly proven to protect users from radiation RadioFrequencies (RF), and the ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMF) generated by electric and wireless products and networks. They are the #1 doctor recommended, most trusted, and most thoroughly tested personal radiation shielding products available. Billions of people use cell phones and other wireless and wired products every day, with or without a headset, and are exposed to wireless and network RF & EMF everywhere they go. Despite assurances from manufacturers, service providers and government agencies that these products are safe, the global debates and controversy over the health effects of these products continues. It is important to note the FDA stated "There is currently insufficient scientific basis for concluding either that wired or wireless communication products and technologies are safe or that they pose a risk to millions of users," no regulatory agency has ever stated that any wired or wireless product is actually safe to use. There have been numerous studies* conducted by respected scientists confirming up to 60 percent of RF emitted by a wireless devices and networks penetrate the head, neck, and body organs during exposure (see News Articles & Papers). Studies referencing SAR safety standards created in 1997, and their estimated safe thermal increases of the brain, tissues and other organs, were disproved when it was discovered the actual effects upon protective biological mechanisms are far below estimated safe thermal levels of individual body organs using the standards. Despite the findings, SAR standards remain the criteria for determining the safety of wireless products and networks worldwide.. The studies*
also presented irrefutable evidence confirming the increased occurrences
of the following symptoms and diseases can be directly attributed to the
exposure of device and network RF at their associated
power levels, and not SAR, or their electric or magnetic fields. None of these symptoms or diseases are thermally induced,
clearly indicating the SAR standards should
not be used as the criteria for determining safety, nor have any of these
symptoms been attributed to magnetic field emissions. |
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