AegisGuard™ Radiation Shields EMF and RF Shielding Applications |
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AegisGuard™ L (Life) Series Products This unmatched range of shielding products exceeds all regulated allocated and unallocated frequencies (RF) presented in the current FCC Online Table Of Frequency Allocations, and provides unsurpassed protection for personal, home, office, factory, healthcare, aerospace, military, security and government applications from unwanted electrical device, power line, transformer, and all fixed and mobile terrestrial, satellite and sea-based antenna and network airborne frequencies in use globally. Current and Future Carrier Network Implementation
Schedules 30 GHz. models shield current 1G - 5G, and possibly future 6G, mass market handheld consumer, professional and office wireless devices operating in the kHz., MHz. and GHz. range up to 30 GHz., and will remain effective until higher frequency products become available to the public. Higher frequency models are required to support faster communication speeds and user sessions for networks, devices, IoT (Internet of Things) products, mmWave (millimeter Wave), and 4G-LTE and 5G carrier networks. Higher frequency models are recommended for users exposed to hospital, military, government, satellite, large corporate LAN, carrier core distribution stations, advanced satellite, 4G-LTE, 5G, and 6G networks. If you work in this type of environment, contact your company network administrator for specific RF information to determine the network frequencies present in your environment before selecting shielding products. The following current and future network frequency technology implementation estimates are relevant for the United States. If you reside elsewhere, schedules may be available in local telecommunication carrier advertisements and websites serving your area. 1G - 4G carrier networks operate up to 30 GHz. 4G LTE and current 5G-Basic carrier and large enterprise networks up to 86 GHz. and 96 GHz., respectively. Active carrier active, test and experimental development, IoT, mmWave, MIMO, beamforming and backhaul 5G device and network 5G technologies from 96 GHz. to 1 THz. for aerospace, automobiles, farming, game controllers, manufacturing, medical, military, transportation and other industries. Current 5G mmWave for IoT, backhaul, vehicle, and residential 24, 37, 50, 60, 70, 77 and 96 GHz. networks. Current satellite mobile and fixed networks operate from 26 GHz. to 265 GHz. Current 5.5G (5G-Advanced) 300 GHz. with up to 100 GHz. mmWave networks. 5G- Advanced 600 GHz. networks in 2025. 6G-Basic 1 THz. networks in 2027 - 2028. 6G-Advanced 3 THz. networks in 2029 - 2030. Current split fiber optic feeds are 180 GHz. (165nm) to 360 GHz. (565nm), and carrier fiber core stations operate up to the 1 THz. range.
AegisGuard™ LP Paint and LS Spray
Considerations Please contact us or a local dealer if you require assistance with selecting appropriate products for your shielding application, and review our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee before purchasing them. |