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LS Radiation Shields 1G - 5G+ RF & EMF Device, Network, Dashboard, & Window Shielding 30 Day Money Back Guarantee Made in USA |
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AegisGuard™ LS is a safe, easy to apply,
hypoallergenic spray-on radiation shield proven to provide the most
effective EMF & RF shielding
protection available from radiation emitted by wired and wireless products and networks,
and the fields they carry. Standard models shown above support electrical and all wireless 1G - 5G, including 5G 300 GHz., 600 GHz. and future 6G 1 THz. EMF (electromagnetic fields) and RF (radiofrequencies) from 5 Hz. up to their maximum frequency. This unmatched range of shielding products exceeds all allocated and unallocated radiofrequencies in the FCC Online Table Of Frequency Allocations, providing unsurpassed shielding protection for personal, home, office, factory, healthcare, aerospace, military, security and government applications from unwanted devices, power lines, transformers, and all fixed and mobile terrestrial, satellite and sea-based antenna and network airborne frequencies in use globally. See Shielding Applications for important wireless technology considerations and model selection assistance. All models safely deflect and break apart (scatter) unwanted RF, and the fields they carry, away from shielded surfaces, instead of absorbing them. They are non-conductive, contain no metal or other conductive material, grounding is not required, and the saturation and seepage safety considerations when using absorption type shielding products are eliminated. Simply spray any wired, wireless, glass, plastic, wood, composite, metal or laminated surface and wipe dry for transparent radiation shielding for most applications, including phones, tablets, handhelds, wearable's, computers, appliances, medical devices, windows, skylights and much more. No other personal radiation shielding product provides consumers and businesses with better protection from airborne, wired or wireless product radiation frequencies. In addition to shielding 1G - 5G and future 6G fixed and handheld device frequencies and the fields they carry, AegisGuard™ LP models support all current and proposed 86 GHz. 4G-LTE, 96, 300 and 600 GHz. 5G, and 1 THz. initial 6G device and carrier network WAN and backhaul shielding applications. Standard 5 Hz. to 30 GHz., 120 GHz., 360 GHz, and 1.1 THz. operating frequency models with power levels from 1 milliwatt (0.001 Watt) to 25 Watts measured at the point of contact provide up to 99.998% shielding effectiveness. Custom higher frequency and/or power level applications up to 4.8 THz. @ 100 kW models, respectively, are made to order. Consisting of proprietary shielding technology proven more effective than all other personal radiation shielding products, AegisGuard™ LS protects users from both high and low radiation frequencies without affecting product performance, power consumption, or in the case of wireless products, signal strength, in any manner whatsoever. The low frequency shielding effectiveness is an important distinction due to the increased number of studies confirming low frequency health risks, particularly for children using wireless phones and individuals suffering from the adverse effects and discomfort of electrohypersensitivity or radiofrequency (EHS, ES, IEI-EMF or RF). There has never been an allergic or skin reaction reported by any user by any user following the instructions included with the products since they were announced. Prior to 30 GHz. models announced in 2005, more than 50 wired and wireless products were tested by 3 independent testing laboratories. Each product was tested for at least 8 continuous hours, as opposed to 1 or 2 products tested for a few minutes as presented by other shielding product manufacturers, to confirm the shielding effectiveness remained consistent, without degradation, during a normal working day. Tests were repeated in 2006 for 24 hours with the identical results, and with windows in six homes tested for 1 year with AegisGuard™ LP before it was announced in 2006. A 3 month field test consisting of 450 participants was also conducted before the initial announcement to test product performance and to ensure allergic or skin reactions did not occur. There were no adverse reactions reported by the participants or by any user following the instructions. They are an excellent cost effective shielding solution for anybody concerned about the health effects of radiation frequencies upon the body, and have provided relief to electrohypersensitive individuals worldwide. Higher frequency AegisGuard™ LS models were tested independently before being announced to the public, and by confirmed EHS volunteers at customer facilities where frequencies up to 1.1 THz. were present. None of the volunteers reported discomfort. Shielding performance exceeds the requirements specified by MIL-STD-285, all ASTM-4935-xx, IEEE 299 and IEEE 802.nn versions, NSA 94-106, ETSI EN 302 567 V2.2.0 (2020-12), and Human RF exposure limits as set forth in FCC OET Bulletin 65. AegisGuard™ LS is available in four Models for each supported frequency range, and part of the AegisGuard™ L (Life) Series family of laundry, paint and spray RF and EMF shielding products. They are compatible with all other AegisGuard™ products See Shielding Applications for assistance with selecting appropriate products for your application. See AegisGuard™ L (Life) Series for information about their proprietary discriminatory shielding technology and how they protect users.
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