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AegisGuard Radiation Shields
Phone Radiation News Articles And Papers
As Of January, 2009
Jul - Dec 2008
Jan - Jun 2008
Jul - Dec 2007
Jan - Jun 2007
Jul - Dec 2006
Jan - Jun 2006
Jul - Dec 2005
Jan - Jun 2005
Sep - Dec 2004
Jan - Aug 2004
Jul - Dec 2003
Jan - Jun 2003
Aug - Dec 2002
May - Jul 2002
Jan - Apr 2002
Aug - Dec 2001
May - Jul 2001
Jan - Apr 2001
Nov - Dec 2000
Aug - Oct 2000
May - Jul 2000
Jan - Apr 2000
Jul - Dec 1999
Jan - Jun, 1999
1993 - 1997









Cell phone and other radiation articles and papers presented on this page were published as of January, 2009, and are listed in descending chronological sequence. Select a date range from the left side of this paragraph for news articles and papers published in other time periods.
Note:  Titles preceded with the symbol are Adobe PDF files and require Adobe Reader to be installed on your computer. This software can be downloaded from Adobe's web site at no charge. 
Title SourceDate
Brain Cancer Linked To Youngsters Using Cell Phones The Gazette March 16, 2009
Scientists Say Cell Wireless Phones Harmful, Call For Safety Standards
Cell Tower Ordinance, Please Times-Standard February 27, 2009
Cell Phones, the New Cigarettes Epoch Times February 25, 2009
Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution Australia.TO February 14, 2009
Adverse Health Effects from the Operation of Digital Broadcast Television Stations Global Research February 12, 2009
Scientist Urges More Study Into Cellphone-Cancer Link Canwest January 31, 2009
France Cracks Down On Children's Mobile Phone Use, But Britain Still Ignoring Warnings The Mail January 11, 2009
French Government Bans Advertising Of Mobiles To Children   Independent January 11, 2009
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Excluding Aegis press releases, Aegis has not participated in the creation of these articles, nor do they represent a specific position, opinion, or endorsement of a position, opinion or conclusion by Aegis Corporation.


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